Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Gulf Beach Half Marathon

So after a week and a half or so of settling into life in New Haven (more on that soon!) I ran my first half marathon on this side of the ocean! I'd looked for one in the local area to give me motivation to keep training after the Reading half earlier in the year and found the Gulf Beach half marathon in Milford which is just down the road. It was described as the flattest half marathon in Connecticut and the course runs along the boardwalk next to the beach - I thought it sounded perfect and it didn't disappoint!
While my intention had been to keep training after my previous race that didn't quite happen... And I had to start from scratch building up my distance. I worked out a plan to increase my long runs steadily until the race and because I have another race in two months time, the goal I set for this race was to finish, enjoy it and not injure myself! Come race day I was pretty nervous - as I always am! - but Patrick helped keep me calm and once I got running the nerves started to fade and the 'I can do this!' mentality took over. 
Patrick had told me to look out for him around the three mile mark and sure enough there he was, with a big sign cheering me on, putting a massive smile on my face! The course was an out and back route so it was amazing to know I would see him again around the 10mile mark. Little did I know that the two lovely ladies above were also turning up to surprise me on the way back through! Having people along the route to cheer you on and support you gives you such a boost and the three of them then drove back to the finish to be there to watch me cross the line which was fantastic!
The course itself was lovely and definitely one I wouldn't mind running again. The sea views were gorgeous although there was occasionally a very strong fish smell that wasn't the best when you're breathing deep! The route was lovely and flat, although it was a pretty hot day by the time we were finishing. The last 0.1 miles is run on sand and at a slant which was way more difficult than you would think it would be! Usually I would be sprinting for the line but it was enough just to keep my balance and keep moving. My final time was 2:12:05 which I was so pleased with and had zero ache or pain after. Going to try and mix in some speed training to improve for my next race - Philly here I come!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Flying Vegan

Eating on the go as a vegan is tough at the best of times and if you're also trying to avoid wheat or sugar or any other intolerances/dietary preferences you might have, only makes things harder! But being on a plane has to be the hardest because there is no where else you can go to find what you want. The best way to deal with it? Make like a Boy Scout and always be prepared! Tomorrow (yes, my exciting new American adventure starts TOMORROW!! Can you believe it?!) will be my third time flying without eating plane food. I did used to make sure I registered as a vegan in advance but after too many times of having products on my tray that I knew weren't vegan and eating dry bagels I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands.
This is the most prepared I've ever been (even have a yoga for planes video from YWA memorised!) and I have to say I'm actually pretty excited to have my inflight meal/feast! As you can see from the picture above I have a wide range of things I'm taking. I should just note here - you can take any food through security and onto a plane but you can't take things like fresh produce, meat or dairy through customs at the other end of your flight so make sure you eat it all first (the hardship!) or leave it on the plane. A lot of food that travels well tends to be dry and processed and obviously most fresh stuff does better in a fridge so I feel it's important to get a balance. Nairn's oatcakes are great travellers and I'm taking an avocado with me to smoosh on top. My plan is to take out the pit and wrap it up right before I go so that I just have to scrape out the middle without the need for a knife. In an ideal world it won't go too brown before I eat it but even if it does, that won't put me off one bit - I love avocado!! Personally I think avocado tastes better at room temp as I find it loses a lot of flavour in the fridge so it's a great choice. The bean salad I've prepared also is at its best at room temp so again it's ideal to travel with. 
Some other things I've made are raw cinnamon raisin cookie dough balls and peanut butter chocolate oat balls both from Texanerin Baking. They are both vegan, gluten and refined sugar free, incredibly easy to make - 5-10mins each tops - and taste amazing! I made them at the weekend and all my family have been snacking on them since. Luckily I put my plane ones aside before they dug in! The Bear yo yo treat is made of apples, pears and raspberries baked and made into dry fruit roll ups. They are designed for kids but they taste so good and are travel sized so brilliant to take on a journey! I've tried a few of their flavours but raspberry is definitely my favourite. Aside from that I have a small pot of nuts, a banana and an apple and seeing as technically I'm only flying during one meal time, I think this pile of goodies will more than satisfy me! If you have any plane, food or travel tips I'd love to hear them!