Tuesday 5 May 2015

Starting over & our trip to Paris!

Starting over can be one of the hardest things to do. Ever. When you have your heart so set on something and you've planned and invested so much into it, to reach a dead end can be heartbreaking. But that's what Patrick and I have had to do with regard to my plan for moving to spend more time with him. Unfortunately the university made a mistake and the course they offered me wasn't applicable for international students - literally devastated! So much time and effort had gone into that for it all just to be taken away from us in one email. 

I can't say I coped with it all very well at first and it's been a tough couple of weeks to let go of all our previous plans. Having said this we have tried to make the most of our situation and so in September I will be taking an extended 3month holiday  to the States! After a 3week break there for Will & Claire's wedding of course. While it isn't what we originally had in mind I'm actually quite excited about this new opportunity for us and for me to travel more than I thought I would. As I've heard many times over the last few weeks, offered as words of comfort from family and friends, everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it's hard to see that reason in the face of disappointment but I think it's important to have faith, and that where there is a will there is a way and we have two wills.

But onto happier topics! On Patrick's most recent visit we went to Paris for 4 days which was amazing. The weather was wonderful and we did and saw so many fabulous things from climbing the Eiffel Tower to a trip to Disneyland (a special treat for me!!) to delicious meals at lovely restaurants. We of course hit all the usual tourist spots and had our pictures taken all over the city but what I was most surprised about was how well I was able to eat as a vegan in Paris. Everyone knows the French love their cheese and butter so I assumed eating out would be rather difficult but it turns out with a little planning Paris is full of vegan opportunities! 

The two best places we went (IMO!) were Hanks Burgers and La Bocca della Verita. The first place, as the name suggests, is a burger place, but all the burgers were vegan! It was amazing! I had just trouble trying to decide what to have but I had some of mine and a bite of Patrick's and they were both delicious so I don't think you could make a wrong choice. They also had desserts which are  so hard to come by in non vegan establishments if you want anything other than sorbet so of course I couldn't say no! I chose the carrot cake and it was the best I've ever had. If I'd eaten it before we left instead of saving it for later I absolutely would have had to buy another one.

The second place was a tiny little Italian restaurant Patrick had found online (Italian is his favourite) and I'd OK'd the menu in advance. The funny thing was he'd actually forgotten to check if the menu was okay for him but luckily he found something he liked. I chose what could be considered a 'basic' option of pasta with tomato and basil sauce but it was incredible. Sometimes the simplest things done impeccably are the most satisfying things to eat and this was just superb! We had lovely wine in a beautiful setting outside and a very friendly and helpful waiter which just made our entire dinner feel wonderfully special. If we ever go back to Paris, that restaurant will definitely be on the list of places we return to!

You know what, even Disneyland wasn't that bad for eating at and I'd resigned myself to a day of limp salad and fries as my main food sources! The salads were actually plentiful and not at all limp and that wasn't even my only option. I was pleasantly surprised and I no longer have to be apprehensive about the food in one of my favourite places in the world letting me down ;)

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